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[AsiaNet] Gaochun Crab Festival Opened: catch crabs for good harvest

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[AsiaNet] Gaochun Crab Festival Opened: catch crabs for good harvest

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[AsiaNet] Gaochun Crab Festival Opened: catch crabs for good harvest

AsiaNet 80759

(NANJING, China, Sept. 27, 2019 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) "Crabs coming!" With this yell, the Gucheng Lake crab-catching in Gaochun was officially started on September 21, marking the opening ceremony of the 19th China Gaochun Gucheng Lake Crab Festival, according to the Publicity Department of Nanjing Gaochun District Committee.

Gaochun, located at the southern end of Nanjing, Jiangsu province, is a national-level ecological zone, China's first international slow city, and the headquarters of the International Slow City in China. It has an ecological golden ratio of "30% mountains, 20% waters and 50% fields". The great natural ecology of Gaochun provides a prerequisite for local people to get rich.

Gaochun people started crab farming in the early 1990s. The crab industry has become a characteristic industry with high incomes and an important part of Gaochun economic development. In recent years, Gaochun has actively promoted the large-scale, ecological, scientific development of crab farming and technology-driven crab farming. It promoted agricultural efficiency and farmers' income.

In recent years, Gaochun has promoted the reform of "delegate power, streamline administration and optimize government services" and carefully built the service network of "one seal for approval, one team for law enforcement, one network for service, one platform for credit", and strive to achieve the comprehensive optimization of approval environment, service environment and developing environment.

Gaochun gives full play to the location advantages of adjoining South Jiangsu and South Anhui, and takes the development zone and the International Slow City as carriers to gather high-end intelligent manufacturing, biomedicine and medical equipment, energy conservation and environmental protection, culture and health, and ecological agriculture "3+2" leading industry. At the same time, Gaochun further promoted the establishment of national all-area tourism zone and national-level tourist resorts, effectively integrated Gaochun's landscape ecological and cultural resources, comprehensively improved the construction level of the civil service and public service system, vigorously developed "Tourism +" and "+ Tourism" industry, and promoted the high quality development of cultural tourism industry. The future of Gaochun is worthy of being looked forward to.

Source: The Publicity Department of Nanjing Gaochun District Committee

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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