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[AsiaNet] Accreditation System for the Sixth Asian Beach Games Sanya 2020

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[AsiaNet] Accreditation System for the Sixth Asian Beach Games Sanya 2020
Opens to the Global Participants on Oct. 1st

AsiaNet 86025

(SANYA, China, Oct. 10, 2020 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) Oct. 1st saw the launch of the Accreditation System for the Sixth Asian Beach Games Sanya 2020 (Sanya 2020). The system is to provide convenient and efficient accreditation services for Chinese and international participants of the Sanya 2020 Games.

The accreditation system is designed to collect, collate, verify, and confirm the information from applicants in order to provide them identity and accreditation cards for the Games. Starting from Oct. 1st, Sanya 2020 Accreditation System can be accessed by the clients from OCA, NOCs, media agencies, the Games organizing committee and cooperative partners, except ordinary spectators through the website of the Accreditation System https://acr.sanya2020.cn/ or through the official website of Sanya 2020 http://www.sanya2020.cn/. All applications for accreditation should be submitted no later than 24:00, December 31, 2020.

To help all applicants understand the accreditation process, the Main Accreditation Centre of the Sanya 2020 Games has formulated written accreditation guides for all types of personnel. They can log in the system for detailed information.

According to a senior official of the Main Accreditation Centre, the system will help the eligible applicants obtain their Asian Beach Games Identity and Accreditation Cards and access specific functional areas to perform their duties.

Source: The Organizing Committee of Asian Beach Games

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