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[PRNewswire] Innodisk Bringing the Next-Generation NAND Flash to the

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[PRNewswire] Innodisk Bringing the Next-Generation NAND Flash to the
Industrial Embedded Market

-- Innodisk is launching its industrial-grade 3D NAND SSD series, making the newest NAND flash technology available for the challenging requirements of embedded and industrial applications

(TAIPEI, Taiwan, Nov. 1, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) 3D NAND is poised to become the dominant NAND flash technology and promises both enhanced performance and capacity. The Innodisk 3D NAND solid state drive [https://www.innodisk.com/en/products/flash-storage/ssd/25_SATA_SSD_3TE7 ] (SSD) series is designed to fulfill the more stringent requirements for ruggedness and endurance seen in the industrial market.

The series uses pure industrial-grade Toshiba 3D TLC NAND flash with a rated P/E cycle number of 3000, ensuring solid longevity, while the fully in-house designed firmware is geared towards industrial usage. The SSDs uses direct write, and avoids using SLC cache which eventually causes an SSD performance drop and bloated P/E cycle numbers. Furthermore, the firmware can be customized to a large degree to suit any specialized requirement.

The series includes two product lines: the DRAM-less 3TE7 [https://www.innodisk.com/en/products/flash-storage/ssd/25_SATA_SSD_3TE7 ] and the 3TG6-P [https://www.innodisk.com/en/products/flash-storage/ssd/25_SATA_SSD_3TG6-P ] with integrated DRAM using a Marvell controller. The product lines are available in capacities up to 1TB and 2TB respectively. They can both be fitted with Innodisk's trio of power stabilizing technologies iCell™ [https://www.innodisk.com/en/technology/stability/icell-technology ], iPower Guard™ [https://www.innodisk.com/en/technology/stability/ipower-guard ] and iData Guard™ [https://www.innodisk.com/en/technology/stability/idata-guard ] to further strengthen data integrity in areas susceptible to power fluctuations.

The 3D NAND SSDs also use End-to-End Power Path Protection that ensures error correction at every data transfer point with the host and within the drives themselves. For more sensitive data, drives that utilize AES [https://www.innodisk.com/en/technology/Security/aes ] encryption are available with in-house designed software for easier deployment and management.

About Innodisk
Featured on Forbes' Asia's 200 Best Under A Billion companies, Innodisk is a service-driven provider of flash memory, DRAM modules and embedded peripheral products for the industrial and enterprise applications. With satisfied customers across the embedded, aerospace and defense, cloud storage markets and more, we have set ourselves apart with a commitment to provide customizable, dependable solutions and unparalleled service.

Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, Innodisk supports clients globally with engineering support and sales teams in mainland China, Europe, Japan, and the United States.

For more information about Innodisk, please visit https://www.innodisk.com.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181019/2273445-1
Innodisk industrial-grade 3D NAND SSD series uses pure industrial-grade Toshiba 3D TLC NAND flash with a rated P/E cycle number of 3000, ensuring solid longevity, while the fully in-house designed firmware is geared towards industrial usage.

Source: Innodisk Corporation

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