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[PRNewswire] 2018 International Signs and LED Exhibition to Bring 1,800

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[PRNewswire] 2018 International Signs and LED Exhibition to Bring 1,800
Industry Leaders to Guangzhou

(GUANGZHOU, China, Feb. 27, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The 2018 International Signs and LED Exhibition (ISLE 2018), the world's largest event for cutting-edge advertising equipment, will take place from March 3-6 in Guangzhou, China. The exhibition is expected to gather more than 1,800 exhibits from leading manufacturers, 200,000 visitors from around the world, and will hold over 20 forums to discuss the latest industry trends.

Featuring LED displays and applications, engraving machinery, lighting boxes, and screen printing, ISLE 2018 will bring together industry leaders from around the world and serve as a premium platform for the advertising and LED industries.

"It is our mission to help participants capture market insights and embrace industry dynamics and leading techniques," said Mr. Lee Yingjie, Director of ISLE. "We are presenting a one-stop purchasing experience and integrated solutions for visitors that bring more value to this professional platform."

ISLE 2018 will include a new area for Commercial Display Technology & Applications, providing integrated solutions. New featured companies include An Shan DAE WHA Display and GKG Precision Machine Co., LTD., the leading LED packaging machine supplier and the largest vendor of automatic solder paste printers in China.

YES TECH, a professional LED display manufacturer, will also showcase its latest LED display products, which have already featured at the London Olympic Games, Brazil World Cup, Incheon Asian Games and the Milan Expo. Additionally, Linsn Technology which has powerful strength in a variety of fields covering LED display, computer software, multimedia technology and digital terminal products will also come to the show.

ISLE also features a four-day forum centered around the topic of Sign & LED trends. Specific themes include, "Innovative Display - Smart Future" presented by Absen; "Yejibang: New Technology of Large Screen" by Yejibang; "Crafted Words in China & Signs Workshop" series activity; and "How to Expand Japanese Market" by Mr. Kawata Hiroyuki. There will also be Description for "LED Cinema" and "LED 3D Cinema" presented by Mr. Li Chao who is the first personnel management expert of the country in the LED industry.

Additional event details:
- ISLE 2018 exhibitor list: http://en.isle.org.cn/enboothlist/4100.html
- ISLE 2018 Ticket Application: http://en.isle.org.cn/en/envisitorapplication.html
- More Seminars information: http://en.isle.org.cn/ennews/3086.html

About ISLE
The 2018 International Signs and LED Exhibition (ISLE) is a fully integrated LED industry chain solution platform for professional, charismatic and intelligent advertising signs. For more information, visit: http://en.isle.org.cn/

Source: International Signs and LED Exhibition

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