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[PRNewswire] Huobi Group and SBI Group reached a strategic partnership

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[PRNewswire] Huobi Group and SBI Group reached a strategic partnership
agreement to jointly develop Global Digital Asset Markets

(SINGAPORE, Dec. 7, 2017 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Recently, Leon Li, chairman of Huobi Group, and Yoshitaka Kitao, chairman of SBI Group (formerly Softbank Investment Group), reached a strategic partnership agreement to jointly develop digital assets financial services in Asia. The digital assets exchange will be provided by both SBI Virtual Currencies and Huobi Japan in early 2018.

Huobi Group was founded in 2013. After four years of steady operation, the Group has become a leading global digital asset financial service provider in terms of technology platform, product lines, risk control system, operation and customer service. Huobi Group has served millions of customers from over 130 countries and regions in the world, and now holds trading business and operation center in Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, etc.

SBI Group is one of the largest integrated financial groups worldwide and one of the largest venture capital and private equity asset organization in Asia. SBI Group has revealed its plans to create a "new financial ecosystem based on cryptocurrency". They have been developing various crypto-related business e.g. mining, hedge fund, etc. In October 2017, SBI Virtual Currency was authorized by Financial Services Agency Japan, to operate digital assets exchange. SBIVC is one of the first eleven companies approved to obtain digital assets financial exchange licenses.

According to the diversified needs of cryptocurrency investors, Huobi and SBI will conduct in-depth cooperation in areas such as capital and business. In addition to setting up two subsidiaries, Huobi and SBI will flexibly mobilize technologies, knowledge, and personnel to jointly develop digital asset-related businesses in Japan and the rest of Asia through mutual complementarity and strength. The cooperation between the two parties will be a milestone for the development of the digital asset industry in Asia and the world.

Source: Huobi Technology PTE. LTD.

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>
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