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<PRNewswire> Adam Davis Joins oTMS; Accelerates Evolution to Ecosystem

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<PRNewswire> Adam Davis Joins oTMS; Accelerates Evolution to Ecosystem

[편집자 주] 본고는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았음을 밝혀 드립니다.

(SHANGHAI, Jan. 12, 2017 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Adam Davis, former General Manager of C.H. Robinson TMC (APAC), announced on January 6, 2017 that he would join oTMS as VP of Managed Services

Adam joined C.H. Robinson in 2000, and had held various management positions for 16 years in different functions. Since August 2010, Adam had been the General Manager of TMC Asia Pacific, of which 5 of those years were spent in Shanghai.

Based on the 16-year experience in C.H. Robinson, Adam believes: "As the middle class continues to grow in China and throughout Asia their demand for goods will increase at an exponential rate. This will challenge companies to be more efficient in all aspects of their business in order to stay relevant in a hyper-competitive market place, and especially so within their supply chains. A best practice that the best-in-class companies are leveraging is the implementation of a TMS. The implementation of a TMS allows a shipper to execute their transportation processes with greater automation and efficiency, which results in increased hard and soft savings. To take these savings to the next level many shippers are procuring managed services from a third-party to execute their transportation processes, which allows them to have an increased core focus on their business. For many companies implementing a TMS plus managed services is the ideal solution to achieve their supply chain goals and to ensure their network is optimized and as efficient as possible."

When commenting on his decision to join oTMS, instead of seeking other opportunities, Adam said: "As the demand for TMS solutions continues to grow in China, oTMS has quickly become a market leader since their inception in 2011 and I am very excited to join their leadership team. The entrepreneurial culture led by Mirek and David with a focus on the customer and creating a best-in-class product is what really attracted me to oTMS. The great growth of the company over the past five years has been very impressive and I look forward to working with the rest of the leadership team to continue this trend."

The joining of Adam is an important step for oTMS in accelerating its new ecosystem. Several days ago, oTMS announced launching its first product in Managed Services - Transport Control Tower that follows closely recent product launches like oSuper, RFQ platform, Insurance, and Finance. This Managed Services product focuses on maximizing the clients' benefits for internal use, while helping them strengthen the process control, and using all kinds of data to achieve continuousoptimization.

Moreover, while these products can work together as a whole to bring synergy, they can also be used independently and connected to each other later on. For Example, BESTSELLER, LiNing, and Toread have been longtime users of oTMS before onboarding oSuper, while Balabala adopted oSuper first before moving to SaaS TMS fulltime. Likewise, Wilmar and Whaley were power users of oTMS SaaS before opting for RFQ platform, while Goodbaby implements RFQ platform first and then connected to SaaS TMS. This phenomenon is more typical in insurance products, as we can see that the value of policy for merchandise from contracted enterprises, has exceed 5 billion RMB just in a few weeks after its launch, and most of these enterprises are user of SaaS TMS.

This forms a continuously improving ecosystem for oTMS, just like a well-managed shopping center which offers diverse features to attract consumers; including restaurants, fashion retailers, toys stores, bookshops and etc. In turn, these various shoppers come together and become connected and synergized.

For more information, please visit: www.otms.com

Source: oTMS Transport Connected


<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>
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