

  • 5.39
  • 0.21%


  • 6.31
  • 0.86%

인도, MoRTH, Uttarakhand주, Maharashtra주에서 도로사업 3건 입찰 추진

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인도, MoRTH, Uttarakhand주, Maharashtra주에서 도로사업 3건 입찰 추진

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인도, MoRTH, Uttarakhand주, Maharashtra주에서 도로사업 3건 입찰 추진

도로교통부(Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, MoRTH)가 우타르칸드(Uttarakhand)주와 마하라슈트라(Maharashtra)주에서 고속도로 재건 및 업그레이드 사업 3건의 입찰을 추진한다.
입찰마감일, 사업규모와 공사범위는 각각 다음과 같다.

1. Strengthening work of 32Km on NH-119 (Uttarakhand)
ㅇ 예 가: Rs. 230 Cr.(약 0.31억불)
ㅇ 입 찰 일: 2022. 2. 23 (수)
ㅇ 공사내용: Strengthening work from Chainage Km 200.000 to Km 232.000 on NH-119 (New 534) under NH(O) 2020-21 in the state of Uttarakhand on EPC mode.

2. Reconstruction and Upgradation of Jamkhed to Sautada Section of NH-548D (Maharashtra)
ㅇ 예 가: Rs. 136 Cr.(약 0.18억불)
ㅇ 입 찰 일: 2022. 2. 28 (월)
ㅇ 공사내용: The scope of work envisages reconstruction and upgradation of Jamkhed to Sautada section of NH-548D from design ch 195.375 km to ch 208.774 km to two lane with paved shoulder four lane configuration on EPC mode

3. Reconstruction and Upgradation of Kopargaon to Savali Vihir Section of NH-752G (Maharashtra)
ㅇ 예 가: Rs. 178 Cr.(약 0.24억불)
ㅇ 입 찰 일: 2022. 2. 28 (월)
ㅇ 공사내용: The scope of work also involves reconstruction and upgradation of Kopargaon to Savali Vihir section of NH-752G from design ch 353.000 km to ch 362.663 km to four lane with paved shoulder configuration on EPC mode

<출처 및 참고>
Projects Today, Tender247, Tenderdetail.com, 인도 협력원ㅣ해외건설협회

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