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[PRNewswire] LUMI United Technology and LG Uplus Launch a New Smart Home

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[PRNewswire] LUMI United Technology and LG Uplus Launch a New Smart Home

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[PRNewswire] LUMI United Technology and LG Uplus Launch a New Smart Home
Solution in South Korea

(SHENZHEN, China, Sept. 21, 2020 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Lumi United Technology, ("LUMI") has partnered with LG Uplus ("LG U+"), one of the largest telecom providers in South Korea, to deliver a new, home security solution. It is the first set of products that have been launched under the Lumi and LG U+ partnership, which was announced in August 2019.

The "Smart Home Security Easy Package" is made available for LG U+'s current subscribers and comes with an indoor camera device, two window and door sensors, and a motion sensor. The camera acts as a hub for the sensors and supports 2-way audio communication and real-time, motion-triggered video recording. The sensors are small and energy efficient, and they can be directly installed without any tools required.

Users can install the LG U+ App to remotely monitor the status of their homes or set different privacy settings that can stop the camera from recording when the residents enter the home. When abnormal movement is detected by the sensors, the camera will record a short clip and send out a push notification to the smart phone. As part of the LG U+ subscription, the user can contact local authorities with a click of a button, which further increases the overall convenience and safety for the entire family.

LUMI's expertise in smart home combined with LG U+'s cutting edge technology and telecommunications platform is an ideal partnership that will help bring the best smart home solution and services for users.

About Lumi
Established in 2009, Lumi is one of the leading smart home providers with offices in New York and Shenzhen. Under its Aqara brand, the Company provides comprehensive smart home products and solutions that are beautifully designed, affordable, and easy to use. Lumi offers a wide range of smart products ranging from variety of sensors to light switches, curtain controllers, and door locks. Lumi continues to expand its global footprint in the United States, EU, Russia, Southeast Asia, Korea and China, and aspires to bring smart home technology to every household around the world.

For more information, please visit our website https://www.aqara.com/en/home.html and follow our social platforms.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200921/2923141-1

Source: Aqara

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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