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[AsiaNet] Wuxi opens its arms to global talents, 2020 Taihu Talent Summit is

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[AsiaNet] Wuxi opens its arms to global talents, 2020 Taihu Talent Summit is

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[AsiaNet] Wuxi opens its arms to global talents, 2020 Taihu Talent Summit is
held in Wuxi

AsiaNet 85058

(NANJING, China, Aug. 8, 2020 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) On August 5, the 2020 Taihu Talent Summit officially started in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China. With the theme of "New Era, New Talent, New Ecology", Wuxi, this Jiangnan ancient city, opened its arms to global talents.

Huang Qin, secretary of Wuxi Municipal Committee of CPC, said that Wuxi sincerely welcomes outstanding talents at home and abroad to release their innovative wisdom and entrepreneurial passion in this poetic Jiangnan land, and successfully realize their career ambitions and life values.

This summit is supported by many international and domestic institutions and associations. 20 Chinese and foreign academicians, more than 700 experts from colleges and universities, Top 500 companies, science and technology companies, and media institutions got together with talent representatives and sought common development, according to the organizing committee of Taihu Talent Summit 2020.

During this summit, there will be 2 industrial school-enterprise cooperation alliances, 10 launching ceremonies of major innovation platforms, 46 Industry-Academia-Research cooperation projects, and more than 200 scientific and technological talent projects will be promoted to Wuxi to negotiate and accelerate the gathering of scientific and technological resources.

Wuxi is known as the "Internet of Things Capital of the World" and has ranked first among the most livable cities in Mainland China three times in recent years.

Source: The Organizing Committee of Taihu Talent Summit 2020

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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