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[PRNewswire] Cision Publishes State of the Press Release, Uncovering How

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[PRNewswire] Cision Publishes State of the Press Release, Uncovering How

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[PRNewswire] Cision Publishes State of the Press Release, Uncovering How
Communicators Can Create More Effective Press Releases

(HONG KONG, Aug. 3, 2020 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Today, Cision released The State of the Press Release - a new report that provides PR professionals with press release best practices and insight into how COVID-19 has had an impact. To discover the results, Cision analyzed more than 100,000 press releases in the U.S. distributed through PR Newswire's distribution network between June 2019 - May 2020. Download the full report [https://misc.prnasia.com/atd/custeventreg.php?event_id=503&utm_source=Multimedia-Content-Guide&utm_medium=press_release&utm_campaign=2020-sotpr ].

The report is a follow-up to Cision's 2020 State of the Media [https://misc.prnasia.com/atd/custeventreg.php?event_id=482&utm_source=Multimedia-Content-Guide&utm_medium=press_release&utm_campaign=2020-sotpr ], which was published in April and revealed how PR professionals can better work with the media.

"The State of the Press Release felt like an especially important piece of content that Cision could provide PR professionals in this new environment we're continuing to adapt to," said Lucie Vietti-Curtis, Director of Content and Comms at Cision. "The role of the press release is increasingly important in this landscape, as businesses look for trustworthy ways to disseminate vital information. Measuring the effectiveness of press releases has also become crucial to our customers, as those metrics ultimately inform their overall media strategy, empowering them to do their job better."

The State of the Press Release covers a range of topics around best practices including:

- The most effective times to publish
- How to improve engagement
- Monitoring your audience
- Investor Relations
- Press release benchmarks

Several key findings on how COVID-19 changed the press release include:

- 48% of total press releases distributed by PR Newswire from March - May 2020 mentioned COVID-19
- Compared to 2019, travel-related press releases were down 36%, while infectious disease control saw a large spike, up 3,140%
- Corporate social responsibility press releases were up 54%, and public safety was also up, at 66%

Cision's State of the Press Release results were developed from data that was collected using multiple sources including Google Analytics, Visibility Reports, and Cision's proprietary press release processing software.

Read the full 2020 State of the Press Release report [https://misc.prnasia.com/atd/custeventreg.php?event_id=503&utm_source=Multimedia-Content-Guide&utm_medium=press_release&utm_campaign=2020-sotpr ].

Cision will also be hosting a webinar discussing the State of the Press Release in further detail on August 12th. Learn more and register here [https://www.cision.com/us/resources/webinars-events/state-of-the-press-release-2020-webinar/?utm_medium=pr&utm_source=pressrelease&utm_content=webinar&utm_campaign=2020sotprwebinar ].

About Cision
Cision is a leading global provider of earned media software and services to public relations and marketing communications professionals. Cision's software allows users to identify key influencers, craft and distribute strategic content, and measure meaningful impact. Cision has over 4,800 employees with offices in 24 countries throughout the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. For more information about Cision's award-winning products and services, including the Cision Communications Cloud(R), visit www.cision.com and follow Cision on Twitter @Cision. To support PR and communications professionals during this difficult time, Cision has compiled these free COVID-19 PR resources [https://www.cision.com/us/resources/tip-sheets/covid-19-resources/ ].

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200731/2873109-1-a
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200731/2873109-1-b
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200731/2873109-1-c

Logo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180117/2034361-1LOGO
Cision Logo

Source: Cision

NTACT: Karine Siu, asia.marketing@prnasia.com, +852-2572-8228

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