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[AsiaNet] Nippon Express (Malaysia) Completes Construction of Shah Alam

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[AsiaNet] Nippon Express (Malaysia) Completes Construction of Shah Alam

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[AsiaNet] Nippon Express (Malaysia) Completes Construction of Shah Alam
Logistics Center

- Designed to Meet Diversified Logistics Needs for Halal, Pharmaceutical and Other Products -

AsiaNet 83324

(TOKYO, Mar. 18, 2020 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) Nippon Express (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., a local subsidiary of Nippon Express Co., Ltd., has completed construction of the Shah Alam Logistics Center, the Nippon Express Group's most extensive single-structure multifunctional logistics warehouse outside Japan, in the Shah Alam Industrial Park in the Malaysian state of Selangor. The Center started operations on Monday, March 9.

Logo: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/img/202003138024-O3-sz8AzG94

Photo1: Exterior of new warehouse

Photo2: Warehouse interior

A rise in Malaysia's national income has driven remarkable growth in personal consumption, and the increased distribution of consumer goods has led to expectations of growing needs for more sophisticated domestic logistics and warehousing services.

The Shah Alam Industrial Park that hosts this brand new Center is located near the capital city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's largest consumption area, and very ideally situated as a logistics hub, with easy access to Malaysia's main sea gateway Port Klang and Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

Features of the Shah Alam Logistics Center

- This Center is Nippon Express' largest warehouse outside Japan, and its location near key consumption areas and an international seaport and airport are leveraged to meet a full range of logistics needs - e.g., vendor-managed inventory (VMI) and just-in-time (JIT) delivery - with cutting-edge high-quality services.

- Its bonded warehouse functions enabling non-resident inventory to be stored allows the Center to serve as a hub for Asia and the Middle East.

- The Center plans to obtain halal certification in anticipation of future growth in the Muslim population, forecast to exceed one-fourth of the world's total population by 2030, and a consequent expansion of the global halal market. Accordingly, an area for ritually cleansing trucks and cargo containers has been established within the facility.

- To reinforce the Nippon Express Group's logistics network for pharmaceuticals, designated as a priority industry in the "Growth Strategy for Core Businesses" detailed in the Group's Corporate Strategy, the Center intends to obtain certification for Good Distribution Practice (GDP), standards for proper distribution of pharmaceutical products.

- A rampway permits vehicles to load/unload on both the first and second floors (berth spaces for 45 vehicles).

Nippon Express (Malaysia) will deploy this Center to further bolster its logistics functions and thereby meet the increasingly diversified and sophisticated logistics needs of customers, including domestic sales logistics for consumer goods, manufacturing logistics (JIT delivery), temperature-controlled storage using air-conditioned facilities, and storage/delivery of halal products.

Profile of new facility:

Nippon Express website: http://www.nipponexpress.com/

Official LinkedIn Account: NIPPON EXPRESS GROUP

SOURCE: Nippon Express Co., Ltd.

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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