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[PRNewswire] 국제수산포럼, 업계 전망 논의

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[PRNewswire] 국제수산포럼, 업계 전망 논의

(상트페테르부르크, 러시아 2018년 9월 17일 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) 국가적인 어업 분야 최고의 행사인 ‘제2차 러시아 국제수산포럼 및 박람회(Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo Russia)’가 이달 13~15일 러시아 상트페테르부르크에서 열렸다.

(사진: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/745108/Roscongress_Global_Fishery_Forum.jpg )

이번 포럼에는 덴마크, 독일, 아이슬란드, 이탈리아, 캐나다, 중국, 모로코, 노르웨이, 페로 제도, 일본 등지에서 3,000명이 넘는 사업 지도자, 어업 대표 및 정부 관료가 참석했다. 농업부 장관 Dmitry Patrushev가 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령의 환영사[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/welcome-address-by-the-president-of-the-russian-federation-to-the-participants-and-guests-of-the-2nd-global-fishery-forum/ ]를 읽었다.

농업부 차관이자 연방어업기구 대표인 Ilya Shestakov, 페로 제도와 모로코의 해당 부문 기관 책임자, UN (FAO) 전문가, 태평양 생물연구소(Pacific Biological Station), 국제해양개발위원회 및 덴마크 대사가 ‘Global fishing activities 2050: resources, markets, technologies(국제 어업 활동 2050: 자원, 시장, 기술)[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/international-co-operation-will-open-up-new-opportunities-for-sustainable-global-fishing/ ]’ 총회에서 연설했다. 참가자들은 세계 해양에서의 경쟁, 수산생물자원 보유량, 지구의 증가하는 인구로 비춰볼 때 양식업의 전망 등에 대해 논의했다.

그 외에도 여러 패널 세션에서 긴급한 사안을 논의했다. 해당 세션에는 ‘Issues in commercial straddling stocks fishing activities (상업적 경계왕래 어업 활동의 제반 문제)[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/1989-2/ ]’, ‘Shipbuilding 2050: A peek into the future (조선 2050: 미래 전망)[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/conference-shipbuilding-2050-a-peek-into-the-future/ ]’, ‘Resources(자원)[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/a-resources-roundtable-is-held-at-gff-2018/ ]’, ‘Aquaculture: 2050 breeding and development forecast (양식업: 2050 번식과 발전 예측)[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/increasing-production-without-detriment-to-quality-and-without-environmental-damage-the-gff-defined-the-objectives-of-aquaculture/ ]’, ‘Global consumer markets (국제 소비자 시장)[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/how-to-prompt-the-industry-to-study-consumers-interests-global-experience-and-the-first-steps-in-russia/ ]’, ‘Russian fish: a strategy for promoting Russian fish products on the Russian market (러시아 어류: 러시아 시장에서의 러시아 수산물 홍보 전략)[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/a-national-strategy-for-promoting-russian-fish-products-was-discussed-at-the-sidelines-of-gff-2018/ ]’, ‘Fishery technologies: the food loss and food waste problem (어획 기술: 식량 손실과 식품 폐기기 문제)[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/how-to-prompt-the-industry-to-study-consumers-interests-global-experience-and-the-first-steps-in-russia/ ]’ 등이 있다.

러시아와 기니, 러시아 연방 어업 기구와 파나마 수산 자원청 및 FOR 그룹과 Lenta[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/fishery-producers-to-be-able-to-take-part-in-procurement-procedures-at-global-fishery-forum-2018/ ] 간에 중요한 계약이 체결됐다.

올해 박람회에서는 어업, 가공, 거래 및 조선 업체, 장비 제조업체, 정부 기관 및 무역 협회 등을 선보였다. 박람회 방문객은 제품을 시식하고, 주요 러시아 기업의 영상 투어에 참가하며, 쌍방향 터널[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/seafood-expo-guests-at-global-fishery-forum-can-go-deep-into-ocean-in-a-virtual-bathyscaphe/ ]을 체험하고, ‘120 Years of Russia's Fishing Industry (러시아 어업 120년)’의 3D 발표에 참여했다.

올해 박람회에는 아르한겔스크, 아스트라칸 및 칼리닌그라드 지역의 합동 부스, 카렐리아와 타타르스탄의 합동 부스, 아조프 해와 흑해 어업 유역의 합동 부스를 비롯해 노르웨이, 아이슬란드, 모로코 및 아르헨티나의 합동 부스도 마련됐다. 13,000m2의 면적에 180개 기업이 참석했는데, 그중 122개 러시아 기업이다. 박람회 공간에서는 러시아 최초의 수산물 패스트 푸드 레스토랑인 Russian Fish[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/russias-first-fish-fast-food-restaurant-to-open-as-part-of-the-global-fishery-forum/ ]가 운영됐다.

하루 어획량이 30톤에 달하는 선박 건조가 시작됐다(Dmitry Patrushev, Ilya Shestakov 및 아르한겔스크 주지사 Igor Orlov가 건조식에 참석). 또한, 학계와 환경 운동가들이 설립한 제1회 International Year of Salmon (국제 연어의 해)[https://fishexpoforum.com/en/international-year-of-the-salmon-will-open-at-the-gff-2018/ ]이 열렸으며, 러시아 제품만 출품 가능한 ‘최고의 수산물’ 대회 우승작이 발표됐다.

이 행사는 연방어업기구가 조직하고, 포럼은 Roscongress Foundation [https://roscongress.org/en/ ]에 의해 운영됐다.

국제수산포럼 공식 웹사이트: http://www.fishexpoforum.com

출처: Roscongress Foundation

Global Fishery Forum Discusses Industry Outlook

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, September 17, 2018/PRNewswire/ -- The 2nd Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo Russia, the national fishery sector's premier event, took place in St. Petersburg on 13-15 September 2018.

(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/745108/Roscongress_Global_Fishery_Forum.jpg )

More than 3,000 business leaders, fisheries representatives and government officials from Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Canada, China, Morocco, Norway, the Faroe Islands, Japan and elsewhere attended the Forum. Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev read a welcome address from President Vladimir Putin [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/welcome-address-by-the-president-of-the-russian-federation-to-the-participants-and-guests-of-the-2nd-global-fishery-forum/ ].

Deputy Agriculture Minister and Head of the Federal Fishery Agency Ilya Shestakov, leaders of sectoral agencies of the Faroe Islands and Morocco, UN (FAO) experts, the Pacific Biological Station, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, and the Embassy of Denmark spoke at the "Global fishing activities 2050: resources, markets, technologies [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/international-co-operation-will-open-up-new-opportunities-for-sustainable-global-fishing/ ]" plenary session. Attendees discussed competition in the World Ocean, aquatic bioresources reserves and the prospects of aquaculture given the Earth's growing population.

Pressing issues were discussed at panel sessions "Issues in commercial straddling stocks fishing activities [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/1989-2/ ]," "Shipbuilding 2050: A peek into the future [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/conference-shipbuilding-2050-a-peek-into-the-future/ ]," "Resources [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/a-resources-roundtable-is-held-at-gff-2018/ ]," "Aquaculture: 2050 breeding and development forecast [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/increasing-production-without-detriment-to-quality-and-without-environmental-damage-the-gff-defined-the-objectives-of-aquaculture/ ]," "Global consumer markets [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/how-to-prompt-the-industry-to-study-consumers-interests-global-experience-and-the-first-steps-in-russia/ ]," "Russian fish: a strategy for promoting Russian fish products on the Russian market [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/a-national-strategy-for-promoting-russian-fish-products-was-discussed-at-the-sidelines-of-gff-2018/ ]," and "Fishery technologies: the food loss and food waste problem [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/how-to-prompt-the-industry-to-study-consumers-interests-global-experience-and-the-first-steps-in-russia/ ]."

Important agreements were signed between Russia and Guinea, Russia's Federal Fishery Agency and the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama, and FOR Group and Lenta [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/fishery-producers-to-be-able-to-take-part-in-procurement-procedures-at-global-fishery-forum-2018/ ].

The Expo showcased fishing, processing, trading and shipbuilding companies, equipment manufacturers, government agencies and trade associations. Visitors tasted products, took part in a video tour of leading Russian companies, experienced an interactive tunnel [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/seafood-expo-guests-at-global-fishery-forum-can-go-deep-into-ocean-in-a-virtual-bathyscaphe/ ] and took part in a 3D presentation "120 Years of Russia's Fishing Industry."

The Expo featured joint booths of the Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan and Kaliningrad regions, Karelia and Tatarstan and the Azov and Black Sea fishery basin, as well as national booths of Norway, Iceland, Morocco and Argentina. Its 13,000 square meters hosted 180 companies, including 122 from Russia. Russian Fish, Russia's first fish fast-food restaurant [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/russias-first-fish-fast-food-restaurant-to-open-as-part-of-the-global-fishery-forum/ ], operated in the expo area.

Construction on a 30 ton/day fishing vessel was started (Dmitry Patrushev, Ilya Shestakov and Arkhangelsk Region Governor Igor Orlov took part in the ceremony), the International Year of Salmon [https://fishexpoforum.com/en/international-year-of-the-salmon-will-open-at-the-gff-2018/ ], established by academics and environmentalists, was inaugurated, and winners of the all-Russia competition "The Best Fish Product" were announced.

The event was organized by the Federal Fishery Agency, and the Forum was operated by Roscongress Foundation [https://roscongress.org/en/ ].

The Global Fishery Forum official website is at http://www.fishexpoforum.com

Source: Roscongress Foundation

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