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[PRNewswire] Merck Invests € 35 Million in its Italian Biotech Manufacturing

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[PRNewswire] Merck Invests € 35 Million in its Italian Biotech Manufacturing

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[PRNewswire] Merck Invests € 35 Million in its Italian Biotech Manufacturing

Site of Bari

-- New production line for the aseptic filling of biotech medicines under isolator

-- Isolator technology represents best practice for the aseptic filling of injectable medicines and ensures the highest quality standards

-- Investment supports growth of Merck's portfolio of biotech medicines

[편집자 주] 본고는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았음을 밝혀 드립니다.

(BARI, Italy, October 3, 2017 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Merck, a leading science and technology company, will invest € 35 million in a new production line for the aseptic filling of biotech medicines under isolator at its manufacturing site of Bari, Italy. The announcement was made as part of an event celebrating the 25th anniversary of the site and its leading role on the science and technology scene in the South Italian region of Apulia.

"This investment underpins the importance of the Modugno-Bari production site for our growing Healthcare business," said Stefan Oschmann, Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO of Merck. "It will help us to secure the supply of medicines that improve people's lives around the world."

The new production line is expected to be fully operational in 2022. It will be equipped with an isolator designed with the latest technologies available and with a high level of automation. The isolator technology represents best practice in aseptic filling which is a prerequisite to ensure the safety of injectable medicines. The new production line is intended to be used for the aseptic filling of Merck's biotech medicines in the areas of multiple sclerosis, fertility and endocrinology with a capacity of 14 million units per year.

In 2014, Merck already invested € 50 million at the Bari biotech-manufacturing site for a fully automated production line under isolator and automated warehouse. Established in 1992, Merck's biotech manufacturing site in Bari has grown over time and currently employs 225 people. It is specialized in the fill & finish activities of Merck's biotech medicines in the areas of multiple sclerosis, fertility and endocrinology for more than 150 countries. The site is also involved in the manufacturing of some of Merck's products under development.

The Bari site is part of a network of 15 manufacturing sites dedicated to the production of Merck's biotech and pharmaceutical medicines serving 60 million patients across the globe each and every day.

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About Merck

Merck is a leading science and technology company in healthcare, life science and performance materials. Around 50,000 employees work to further develop technologies that improve and enhance life - from biopharmaceutical therapies to treat cancer or multiple sclerosis, cutting-edge systems for scientific research and production, to liquid crystals for smartphones and LCD televisions. In 2016, Merck generated sales of € 15.0 billion in 66 countries.

Founded in 1668, Merck is the world's oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company. The founding family remains the majority owner of the publicly listed corporate group. Merck holds the global rights to the Merck name and brand. The only exceptions are the United States and Canada, where the company operates as EMD Serono, MilliporeSigma and EMD Performance Materials.

Benedicte Bogh: +41-79-5000137

(Logo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/472778/Merck_Logo.jpg )

(Photo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/566581/Merck.jpg )

Source: Merck


<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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