[비즈니스 유머] 엉덩이 고운 여자 - Callipygian

입력 2013-06-20 17:30
수정 2013-06-21 05:43
There is an opening for a secretarial position. The man conducting the interviews asks each candidate the same question. “What would you do if you found $100 lying on the floor in the office?” The first one says, “I would post a sign saying that some money had been found, and try to find the person who lost.” The second one says, “I would lock up the money in my desk, and if no one claims that they have lost any money, I would keep it.” The third one says, “I would turn it over to the building security.” Do you know which one got the job? The one with lovely buttocks!

비서 자리가 비었다. 면접에서는 같은 것을 물었다. “회사 안에서 100달러짜리를 발견하면 어떻게 하겠어요?” 첫 번째-“그 사실을 고시해서 임자를 찾도록 하겠습니다.” 두 번째-“책상 서랍에 넣어두고 돈을 잃어버렸다는 사람이 나타나지 않으면 갖겠습니다.

” 세 번째-“경비실에 맡기겠습니다.” 채용된 건 어느 여자였을까? 엉덩이가 탐스러운 여자!

*secretarial position:비서 자리 *buttocks:엉덩이

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