[PRNewswire] Global Promotional Conference Of China-rok (changchun)

입력 2020-09-07 13:13
[PRNewswire] Global Promotional Conference Of China-rok (changchun)

International Cooperation Demonstration Zone Held In Beijing

(BEIJING, Sept. 5, 2020 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) On the afternoon of September 3, the global promotional conference of the China-ROK (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone (the "Demonstration Zone") was held at Beijing Changbaishan International Hotel in China. More than 100 attendees were present at the event, including representatives from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in China, 24 South Korean companies and Korean business associations in China, leaders from the governments of Jilin Province and the city of Changchun as well as agencies directly under the supervision of the Jilin Provincial Government and representatives from 35 prominent Chinese companies.

In recent years, a large number of South Korean businesses have invested in Jilin Province. With the establishment of the Demonstration Zone, there will be greater room and brighter prospects for cooperation between the two sides.

The Demonstration Zone, which was established on April 21, 2020 with the approval of the State Council, is an important platform from which China and South Korea can jointly promote the One Belt, One Road initiative and the New Northern Policy while accelerating regional cooperation and development across Northeast Asia.

The Demonstration Zone's well-established automotive, optoelectronic information, biological and healthcare industries complement the industrial, product, innovation and value chains in South Korea and Northeast Asian countries, creating further opportunities for collaboration. South Korea is an important source of foreign investment and the largest contributor of tourists to the province. Changchun has established friendship city relationships with six cities in South Korea including Ulsan and Incheon.

At the event, Jilin Province government officials gave a presentation on the status of the Demonstration Zone, as well as on the zone's direction for future development, major projects and investment policies. (Guo Haiyang)

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200904/2908727-1

Source: China-ROK (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>