[AsiaNet] Zaozhuang, Shandong: improve the quality of development by focusing

입력 2019-11-27 21:29
[AsiaNet] Zaozhuang, Shandong: improve the quality of development by focusing

on the shift in driving power

AsiaNet 81903

(ZAOZHUANG, China, Nov. 27, 2019 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) According to the Publicity Department of the Party Zaozhuang Municipal Committee, the Shandong Provincial Innovative and Business-startup Community for Inorganic Functional Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing was recently approved for launch in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province.

It became one of the first five provincial-level innovative and business-startup communities to be constructed in Shandong Province. The project aims for an innovative community that brings together seven elements, namely government, industry, academia, research, finance, service, and users. The goal is to increase the market value of the green new material industry to 100 billion RMB in 3 to 5 years. This is another major project of Zaozhuang City's move to improve the quality of development by focusing on the transition from the old driving power to the new.

As a resource-based city that found prosperity in coal, Zaozhuang has deployed a number of measures to continue development into the future: emphasis is placed on industrial transformation and upgrading; the driving power for high-quality economic development is carefully directed; the development of the six advantageous industries -- namely, high-end equipment, high-end chemicals, big data, lithium batteries, optical fiber and health care -- is promoted; incentives designed to attract business investment and industrial investment are made available; cooperation with universities and research institutes is actively sought. Due largely to its focus on the transition from the old driving power to the new, Zaozhuang City is now on the right track towards high-quality development.

Source: The Publicity Department of the Party Zaozhuang Municipal Committee

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