[PRNewswire] Narada Signed a Cooperation Agreement with EDF Renewables on

입력 2019-09-27 15:10
[PRNewswire] Narada Signed a Cooperation Agreement with EDF Renewables on

Advancing Battery Storage Projects in China

(HANGZHOU, China, Sept. 27, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Narada, one of the world's leading battery manufacturers and global energy storage solution supplier announced the signature of a cooperation agreement to transact battery storage projects in China with EDF Renewables China, Chinese subsidiary of a global player in renewable energies.

The cooperation started with the acquisition agreement by EDF Renewables China of a battery storage owned and operated since September 2018 by Narada. The distributed 1.5MW/12MWh Zhenjiang Energy Storage solution is located in Jiangsu province, China.

The new agreement paves the way for the functional expansion of the project, which is set to provide up to 12,000kWh/day to a nearby recent industrial park.

"Narada is pleased to partner with EDF Renewables to deliver clean energy to its customers through Zhenjiang Energy Storage System project," said Mr. Wang Yueneng, Vice Chairman of Narada.

"EDF Renewables is excited about the partnership with Narada. Under this new innovative structure, with a battery storage system that can power the future by providing end-users with smart and sustainable energy solutions," said Mr. Tian Yue, CEO of EDF Renewables China.

About Narada

Narada is a leader of Green Smart Energy and Industry Innovation as well as a provider of Turn-key Solutions. They have specialized in high-end industrial battery for 24 years. Main business is development, manufacture, sales and service of stationary power, motive power and renewable energy storage batteries as well as accessories, and also system integration.

For more information please visit: en.naradapower.com

Linkedln: Narada Power Source Co., Ltd.

Miss Yupei Zhou



Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190927/2594289-1-a

EDF Renewables China and Narada joined hands on 18th Sep. Mr Tian Yue, CEO of EDF Renewables China (left) and Mr Wang Yuenneng, Vice Chairman of Narada (right)

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190927/2594289-1-b

Mr Tian Yue, CEO of EDF Renewables China (fourth from the left) and Mr Wang Yuenneng, Vice Chairman of Narada (fifth from the right) joined the signing ceremony on 18th Sep.

Source: Zhejiang Narada Power Source Co., Ltd

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