[AsiaNet] Tianjin Binhai New Area rises to emerging global smart

입력 2019-09-23 15:11
[AsiaNet] Tianjin Binhai New Area rises to emerging global smart

manufacturing center

AsiaNet 80655

(TIANJIN, China, Sept. 23, 2019 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) Based on the impressive performance of the Tianjin Binhai New Area, Tinjin made into the top ten of the 50 leading global smart manufacturing center cities rated this year by two domestic research institutions, indicating robust growth potential in smart manufacturing and urban development.

Intelligent manufacturing covers the Internet of Things, industrial Internet, AI, robot, cloud computing, 5G and other emerging industries. The development of these technologies determines the future level of a city's smart manufacturing industry.

With a focus on strengthening industrial cultivation and intelligent technology, Binhai New Area has invested 800 million yuan to support 293 intelligent manufacturing projects to promote industrial transformation and upgrading in an all-round way.

The new area now has formed eight competitive industrial chains in smart manufacturing, including Autonomous & Controllable, "Big Data + Cloud Computing", pattern recognition, "Robotics + Unmanned Equipment", "Industrial Internet + Intelligent Manufacturing", intelligent connected vehicles, "Intelligent Terminals + Core Components" and intelligent medicine. The proportion of intelligent manufacturing in Binhai New Area's economy has exceeded 50 percent, with a world-class advanced manufacturing industrial base in the making.

Source: Media Convergence Center with Tianjin Binhai New Area

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>