[PRNewswire] 넷마블, 28일 오후 6시에 'BTS 월드' OST 앨범 전 세계 발매
- 글로벌 슈퍼스타 방탄소년단, 세계적인 아티스트들이 참여한 'BTS WORLD OST' 발매!
- BTS WORLD OST 앨범 타이틀곡 <Heartbeat>의 뮤직비디오 공개
- 흥미로운 스토리와 교감 콘텐츠 앞세워 출시 14시간 만에 글로벌 33개국 앱스토어 인기순위 1위 석권)
(서울, 대한민국 2019년 6월 28일 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) 넷마블(대표 권영식)은 방탄소년단 매니저 게임 'BTS월드(BTS WORLD, 개발사 테이크원컴퍼니)'의 OST 앨범(이하 BTS WORLD OST)을 6월 28일 오후 6시(한국 시각 기준) 전 세계 발매한다고 밝혔다.
'BTS WORLD OST'는 방탄소년단이 최초로 참여한 게임 OST 앨범으로, 'BTS 월드'에 사용되는 배경 음악과 테마곡 등 총 14개 트랙으로 구성된다.
방탄소년단 일곱 멤버가 함께 부른 BTS WORLD OST 앨범 타이틀곡인 <Heartbeat>는 미국 그래미 어워드에서 수상한 프로듀서이자 엔지니어 '디제이 스위블(DJ Swivel)'이 프로듀싱한 팝 록(Pop Rock) 장르의 곡이다. 이 곡은 방탄소년단 일곱 멤버가 최고의 아티스트로서 성장해나가는 과정을 담은 곡으로, 멤버들의 매력적인 음색과 하모니, 아련한 정서와 호소력 짙은 감성을 느낄 수 있다.
타이틀곡 <Heartbeat>의 뮤직비디오도 공개된다. 이 뮤직비디오는 BTS월드의 게임 콘텐츠인 '어나더 스토리'를 테마로, 현실과 다른 평행 우주에서 각자의 꿈을 가지고 살아가는 평범한 일곱 멤버의 이야기를 그린다.
BTS WORLD OST 앨범에는 진, 지민, 정국이 부른 <Dream Glow>, 제이홉과 뷔가 부른 <A Brand New Day>, RM과 슈가가 호흡을 맞춘 <All Night> 등 3개의 유닛곡도 포함된다. 또한, 게임 내에서 사용되는 일곱 멤버 개개인의 테마곡 등이 추가로 수록된다.
지난 26일 글로벌 정식 출시된 BTS월드는 방탄소년단의 데뷔를 비롯해 세계적인 아티스트로 성장하는 스토리를 담고 있다. 이용자는 방탄소년단의 매니저가 되어 문자 메시지, SNS, 음성 및 영상 통화 등 멤버들과 1:1로 교감하는 다양한 콘텐츠를 체험할 수 있으며, 멤버들의 모습과 목소리가 담긴 '방탄소년단' 카드'를 수집 및 성장시켜 더욱 다양한 스토리를 즐길 수 있다. 또한, 각 멤버들이 주인공으로 등장하는 추가 콘텐츠인 '어나더 스토리'도 경험하게 된다.
이 게임은 글로벌 출시(일부 국가 제외)되어, 한국 시각 6월 27일 오전 9시 기준, 출시 14시간 만에 한국을 비롯해 북미와 유럽, 아시아 등 주요 33개 국가 애플 앱스토어에서 무료게임 인기 1위를 차지하는 등 큰 인기를 누리고 있다.
게임에 대한 더 자세한 정보는 공식 사이트(https://btsw.netmarble.com) 및 트위터(https://twitter.com/BTSW_official), 유튜브(http://www.youtube.com/c/BTSW_official), 인스타그램(https://www.instagram.com/bts.world.official/) 통해 확인할 수 있다.
[문의] 넷마블 커뮤니케이션팀: 02-2271-7444, 7952, 7614, 7590, 7615, 7623, 7617
사진- https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/930274/BTS_WORLD_Album_Cover.jpg
BTS WORLD Original Soundtrack Album To Be Released Worldwide On June 28
출처: 넷마블(Netmarble Corp.)
BTS WORLD Original Soundtrack Album To Be Released Worldwide On June 28
- Music Video for Title Song "Heartbeat" Also Available on June 28
- Highly Anticipated BTS WORLD Mobile Game Becomes the No.1 Downloaded Free Game on iOS in 33 Countries Across North America, Europe and Asia Within the First 14 Hours Since Launch
SEOUL, South Korea, June 28, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Netmarble [http://www.netmarble.com/ko ] today announced that BTS WORLD's full, original soundtrack (OST) album will be available worldwide on June 28 at 6 PM KST. BTS WORLD [https://btsw.netmarble.com/en/home ], the highly anticipated mobile game that offers the fantastic experience of becoming BTS' manager, was released on June 26.
"Heartbeat," the title song from BTS WORLD's OST, first debuted exclusively in the mobile game on June 26. The pop rock track, which follows the game's story of the seven members of BTS making their way to become superstars, features the attractive tones and harmony of the group and delivers touching and powerful emotions. The song features production from GRAMMY Award-winning producer, mixer and songwriter DJ Swivel.
To coincide with the release of the OST, a brand new video for "Heartbeat" will be available on June 28. With a theme based on BTS WORLD's "Another Story" game content, the video depicts the stories of the seven members living their own dreams as ordinary people in a parallel universe as opposed to their present reality.
The first original game soundtrack ever from BTS, the BTS WORLD OST album features 14 tracks, including background music from the game, theme songs for each member and three previously released unit songs. These unit songs are "Dream Glow" by Jin, Jimin and Jung Kook; "A Brand New Day" by j-hope and V; and "All Night" by RM and SUGA.
BTS WORLD is a story-based mobile simulation game that takes players back to the start before the band's debut to pursue the role of BTS' manager, with the ultimate goal of fostering BTS to become superstars.
Players can interact virtually with BTS as a manager in the game through various 1:1 interactive content, as well as collect and upgrade BTS member cards to clear missions and open more stories along the way. The game also features individual stories of BTS members within the game's "Another Story" content where each member appears as the main character in their individual story.
BTS WORLD is now available worldwide (excluding some countries) for iOS and Android devices. Since its June 26 release, the game has become the No.1 downloaded free game on iOS in 33 countries across North America, Europe and Asia within the first 14 hours. For more information, please visit the official site [https://btsw.netmarble.com] or follow BTS WORLD on Twitter [https://twitter.com/BTSW_official ], YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/c/BTSW_official ] and Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/bts.world.official/ ].
About Netmarble Corporation
Netmarble Corporation strives to entertain audiences of all ages around the world by providing great mobile gaming experiences. Established in Korea in 2000, Netmarble is one of the fastest-growing mobile game companies and consistently ranks as a top mobile developer and publisher worldwide. With more than 6,000 employees, Netmarble has been producing and servicing some of the most successful mobile games including Lineage 2: Revolution, Blade & Soul Revolution, MARVEL Future Fight, Everybody's Marble, and Seven Knights. As a parent company to Kabam, a top mobile game developer in massively multiplayer free-to-play games, and the largest shareholder to Jam City, a leading casual social game developer, Netmarble has a strategic partnership with CJ ENM Corporation, Asia's largest entertainment company, Tencent Holdings, Asia's largest internet company, and NCsoft, a prominent MMORPG company. More information can be found at http://company.netmarble.com
About Big Hit Entertainment
Founded in February 2005 in South Korea by CEO and Producer Bang Si-Hyuk, Big Hit Entertainment's core business focuses on music production, artist management and publishing. Big Hit's business ventures incorporate and develop a range of content produced from top-notch artists' IP, including global superstars BTS and its newest addition TOMORROW X TOGETHER. With its mission of 'Music & Artist for Healing,' Big Hit strives to impart a positive influence through content while providing comfort and inspiration to music fans worldwide.
About Takeone Company
Takeone Company Corp. is an innovative content company that utilizes pop-culture within a gaming environment. Established in 2016, Takeone is leading the new genre of mobile games called 'Cinematic Games' that combines interactive game elements within a story concept based on both pop-culture and original IP's. The games include full motion videos and various visual contents that push the boundaries of next-generation storytelling. Years of experience and knowledge in both storytelling and game development have led to the creation of cinematic games such as Take Urban, BTS WORLD. Takeone is currently developing a series of future cinematic games for their next up and coming titles. For more information, please refer to www.takeonecompany.com.
Korea (Seoul)
HQ PR Team
Jinho Lee
North America
Netmarble US PR
Chastity Irizarry
Rogers & Cowan
Joe Schneider
Big Hit Entertainment
Irene Choi
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/930274/BTS_WORLD_Album_Cover.jpg
BTS WORLD Original Soundtrack Album To Be Released Worldwide On June 28
Source: Netmarble Corp.
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