[PRNewswire] Jinjiang City Hosts a Contest to Find a Mascot and Theme Song

입력 2018-07-27 09:35
[PRNewswire] Jinjiang City Hosts a Contest to Find a Mascot and Theme Song

for Gymnasiade 2020

(JINJIANG, China, July 26, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The 2020 Gymnasiade will be hosted in Southeast China's Jinjiang City. For this event, the Executive Committee of Gymnasiade 2020 is now soliciting theme songs and mascots from all over the world with total cash prizes of nearly one million RMB.

Theme song and mascot submissions will be accepted until mid-August, 2018. The winning mascot designer and song writer will each take home 200,000 RMB (before tax). Other prize-winning works will be awarded with cash prizes ranging from 5,000 to 100,000 RMB (before tax).

All of the works received will be reviewed by a judging panel and public judges in three stages: initial evaluation, online voting, and final evaluation. The winning works will be presented to the public in a future press conference.

The Office of the Executive Committee of 2020 Gymnasiade hopes that the theme song and mascot submissions will embrace the slogan proposed by Jinjiang in their bid to host 2020 Gymnasiade -- "A Gathering for Advancement, Better Us, Better Future". Winning submissions should also reflect Gymnasiade's concept of "creating a lifelong beneficial experience for high school students".

The Gymnasiade - School Summer Games is an international multi-sport event that brings together more than 3,000 young athletes from schools all around the world. Jinjiang, in Southeastern China's Fujian Province, won the bid to host Gymnasiade 2020 in a secret ballot held by the ISF executive committee members on October 15th, becoming the second Chinese city to host the popular event after Shanghai in 1998.

For further information, please visit: http://www.ijjnews.com/zt/jxwztg/index.shtml

Source: The Executive Committee of 2020 Gymnasiade

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>