[PRNewswire] Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Focuses on Building a World-Class Internet

입력 2019-05-30 15:22
[PRNewswire] Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Focuses on Building a World-Class Internet

Audio & Video Industry Cluster Area

(CHENGDU, China, May 30, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Regarded as the "wind vane" of the year, the 7th China Internet Audio & Video Convention Opening Ceremony and Main Forum was held in Chengdu on May 28. As the organizer of the convention, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone released its latest Internet Audio & Video Industry Plan on the spot. Chengdu Hi-tech Zone also proposed to achieve an industry scale of over hundreds of billions by 2021, and establish a world-class internet audio & video industry cluster area by 2025.

As the key project of the latest Internet Audio & Video Industry Plan in Chengdu Hi-tech Zone, Gazelle Valley Garden Community Urban Design Plan was also released for the first time in the forum. With a planned area of 4.6 km2, it is positioned as the most complete digital culture creative + fintech urban community in the industrial ecology of mid-western China. It will follow the development philosophy of a garden city and abide by a scientific planning ratio of 39% ecological land, 46% land for living and 15% land for production. In the future, it will be an important park for the development of the internet audio & video industry as well as the digital cultural creative industry.

At present, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone has gathered more than 600 internet audio & video enterprises such as Tencent and Migu Music. In 2018, the added value of internet audio & video as well as digital cultural creative sectors reached RMB 28 billion, with an average annual growth rate of over 30%.

In order to support the development of the industry more precisely, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone released 18 industry cultivation policies last November, aiming to establish the four gradient enterprise cultivation system composed of Eyas enterprise in seed stage, Gazelle enterprise, Unicorn enterprise and platform ecotype leading enterprise. The policy sets up the new economy venture capital fund of RMB 10 billion, which provides market-oriented investment and financing aid for the above-mentioned enterprises. Each year, a special fund of RMB 200 million for new economy application scenarios will be set up, and a maximum subsidy of RMB 2 million will be granted for new products and technologies having been assessed.

Source: Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>