[PRNewswire] Global Intelligent Economy Summit kicks off in Zhejiang Ningbo

입력 2018-09-10 10:48
[PRNewswire] Global Intelligent Economy Summit kicks off in Zhejiang Ningbo

(NINGBO, China, Sept. 10, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The Eighth China Smart City Technology and Application Products Expo (Smart City Expo) and Global Intelligent Economy Summit kicked off in Ningbo city of east China's Zhejiang province on September 7.

Focusing on intelligent economy and smart city development, the event would host activities including summit, exhibition, award ceremony as well as contests during September 7-9.

Specifically, the summit gathered more than 1,000 delegates for its main forum, including more than 100 government leader and officials, academicians such as 2015 Turing Award winner Martin Hellman, as well as entrepreneurs from China and abroad. Participants delivered presentations and engaged in dialogues on the latest achievements and trend, cutting-edge research and technology, and the future of intelligent economy.

The Expo also presented an exhibition featuring new technology, new products as well as new applications that showcase Ningbo's intelligent economy achievements, with participating enterprises including Microsoft, Amazon, China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, Baidu, Tencent, Alibaba, and etc.

In the meantime, the 2018 China-Europe Green & Smart City Award Ceremony was held during the Expo in Ningbo for the first time.

The Expo also held Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest as well as industry and enterprise matchmaking activities, providing platform for exchanges and cooperation. (Edited by Niu Huizhe, niuhuizhe@xinhua.org)

Media Contact: Wu Shuang, +86-10-63077787

Source: China Economic Information Service

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