[PRNewswire] Outdoor Tourism Conference Held in Zhoushan Ahead of September

입력 2018-09-05 11:08
[PRNewswire] Outdoor Tourism Conference Held in Zhoushan Ahead of September


(ZHOUSHAN, China, Sept. 5, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The 2018 Outdoor Tourism Conference for the Zhoushan Archipelago was held in Zhoushan, Zhejiang province, on August 31, as a prelude to the annual carnival of various outdoor activities to take place in the city throughout the month of September.

More high-quality outdoor tourist events than last year were presented to visitors at the conference, including hiking, a marathon, cycling, camping, sailing, fishing, orienteering and CS cosplay.

For the entire month of September, nearly 30 events will take place on various islands in Zhoushan giving visitors a chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the islands and partake in outdoor activities, including a music & camping carnival, a sailing race, a cycling carnival, and an adventure game around the island, where visitors will compete in teams to complete various tasks.

The highlight of the conference was the presence of well-known athletes from Zhejiang province, Xu Yaping and Wu Peng, who were at one time world champions in canoeing and swimming respectively. Both provided stories about their outdoor experiences at the conference.

Owners of over 160 outdoor sports clubs along the Yangtze River Delta were also invited and granted the title of honorary Zhoushan citizens. They will inspect the city's outdoor recreation sites, work with the local government to jointly develop sports-related tourism, and take visitors to the different outdoor activities.

Four cooperation agreements on developing sports-related tourism were reached at the conference.

As well as the boost that the conference and preceding carnival are expected to bring, Zhoushan will step up efforts to develop its outdoor tourism and promote the related products, such as yachts, sailing boats and recreational vehicles, to develop more high-end tourist businesses in the city.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180904/2227198-1

Participants of the 2018 Outdoor Tourism Conference of China Zhoushan Archipelago

Source: Zhoushan Tourism Council

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