
[PRNewswire] 2017 China (Dongguan) International Science & Technology

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[PRNewswire] 2017 China (Dongguan) International Science & Technology
Cooperation Week brings together innovations and innovators from around the world

(DONGGUAN, China, Dec. 29, 2017 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The event's tagline "Promoting S&T cooperation and matching research with production for a better future" aptly described the exhibits spreading across the 25,000-square-meter space and divided into six designated exhibition zones which are focused on international cooperation, innovative achievements of science and research institutions as well as advanced and specialized technologies. Exhibits included international projects as a result of collaborative efforts with the USA, Germany, the UK, Japan, Australia and Israel, and projects involving the application of innovative scientific research achievements made by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Guangdong Academy of Sciences and similar such academies across China in addition to Chinese central government-owned and other new scientific research and development facilities. The exhibition zones also showcased innovative scientific and technological outcomes achieved by the Pearl River Delta National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone in Songshan Lake as well as facilities involved in civil-military integration efforts and other new research and development organizations in and around Dongguan. Over 300 companies and scientific research organizations showcased more than 2,000 high-tech projects, as well as innovative products and services, encompassing the civil-military integration, intelligent manufacturing, electric vehicles, startup incubation and intellectual property fields.

During the event, 18 specialized technology-focused panel discussions and forums were held, attended by 30 professors and researchers from national scientific and engineering institutions, over 200 leading experts from Chinese and international organizations, as well as more than 1,000 representatives from research organizations and companies engaged in related fields. The attendees discussed topics related to intelligent manufacturing, civil-military integration, microorganism safety and health, energy conservation and environmental protection, as well as geospatial technology, in a move to interest and engage the audience in these new technologies and boost exchanges on technical information. Among the event highlights, Robert Curl, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and Kevin Kelly, founding executive editor of Wired, delivered keynote speeches on the theme of the "Power of Future Technologies" at the 2nd China Science and Technology Innovation Forum. Messrs. Curl and Kelly also shared their opinions on the "Power of Future Technologies: Artificial Intelligence", the theme of the roundtable forum attended by Zhang Jianwei, academician of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg and Zhao Xinli, deputy director of the China Science and Technology Exchange Center. The forums helped transform the event into a platform where scientists gathered to exchange and share with the world their innovative ideas and opinions, attracting widespread attention.

In addition, the event also set up an international platform for global scientific research institutions and companies, where a ceremony celebrating the signing of ten technology projects, an auction for access to ten new technologies as well as an auction to bid for the opportunity to work on solutions that address ten technological challenges facing companies took place, providing a new path to the application of technological achievements.

The above information is provided and confirmed by Xiangming Wang, issued on behalf of China Technology Media by Guangdong Innovation Technology Media Service Center.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20171229/2022619-1
Signing Ceremony for Ten Technology Projects

Source: Guangdong Innovation Technology Media Service Center

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